Trusted Tech News has a strict ethics policy that ensures our editorial independence and the integrity of our journalism. All of our editorial staff are required to follow these guidelines, which exceed the standards of the industry.


Trusted Tech News Ethics

As editor-in-chief, I and all who write for Trusted Tech News commit to upholding the highest ethical standards in journalism. We aim to earn and maintain our audience's trust by delivering accurate, impartial, and fair information.

We fiercely protect our editorial independence and prevent outside interests like advertisers or story subjects from swaying our reporting. Our reporters cannot accept gifts, meals, discounts, or other perks from covered companies. We also prohibit pre-publication review of our stories or interviews.

Our reporters adhere to respected ethical guidelines like the Society of Professional Journalists' code. This means we strive for accuracy, correct errors, shield confidential sources, and avoid harm.

We are transparent about any potential conflicts of interest and bar reporters from covering people or companies where they have a personal conflict. We also refuse paid endorsements and forbid reporters from personally investing in covered companies.

For spokespeople we contact, our default is all conversations are on the record. We only go off record or on background with explicit one-time agreement.

Reviews and recommendations from our editorial staff are not paid for or shaped by outside entities. We occasionally accept free trial products to evaluate but do not retain them indefinitely.

We also prohibit personal investing in covered companies by employees. Our reporters do not accept other paid work posing a conflict of interest without disclosure.

We stand behind our reporting but swiftly correct factual mistakes if identified. We also remove content if it appears to violate someone's rights or the law.

Our partnerships and sponsorships do not influence the independent work of our editorial teams. When we publish partner-created content, we include proper disclosures.

We aim to respect copyrights, trademarks, and branding in our journalism. We appreciate feedback if we have made an error on this.

John Baer

Editor In Chief

Updated: January 11, 2024
